Cambridge Greek Play 2016

As some of you know, I've been in the chorus of the Cambridge Greek Play a couple of times - in Agamemnon in 2010 and in Prometheus/Frogs 2013. I've also written before about putting together the Cambridge Greek Play online archive, which I did in the summer of 2015. This year, I had the unique experience of being... Continue Reading →

Gendered speech in Aristophanes

I'm excited to say that my article "The sociolinguistics of gender, social status and masculinity in Aristophanes" has now been published online in the Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics.  The research in this article ultimately goes all the way back to my undergraduate thesis, though my conclusions have changed many times since then. But I kept coming... Continue Reading →

‘Tis the season – starting a PhD

It's October, and the internet is full of tips for people embarking on their PhDs. I've seen some excellent advice over the last few days, and I wanted to gather some of this wisdom here. Everyone's PhD experiences and circumstances are different, but hearing from those who have been through the same process before is... Continue Reading →

New Module: Roman Death

This term, I've been doing something pretty new for me - planning an 11-week course on Roman Death for 70 first and second year students, complete with 22 hours of lectures and 5 seminars. It's a big task, both for me and for the students, so it's lucky that our subject is completely inexhaustible. We've... Continue Reading →

Citation trouble

One of the toughest thing about starting out in Classics, whether you've just arrived at university, you're starting to research your undergrad dissertation, or you're in the first term of your PhD, is all the abbreviations. Bibliographies can just look like an impenetrable secret code before you get used to how authors, ancient texts and... Continue Reading →

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