New module: Italy Before Rome

I've held off posting about my new module, Italy Before Rome, for two reasons. Most importantly, I've been extremely busy writing and teaching it! But I've also held back because, although I had a vision for what I wanted the module to be like, and the ideas I wanted to get across, I didn't know... Continue Reading →

A cathedral field trip

One of my academic specialisms is the study of inscriptions, otherwise known as epigraphy. Most of the material I work with is epigraphic, and sometimes this is one of the biggest challenges in my work. Learning how to read inscriptions is a skill that you need to learn by trial-and-error and, ideally, by having someone with... Continue Reading →

How I write a lecture

This term has involved a lot of lecture writing for me. Planning, writing and teaching two brand-new courses at the same time has been brilliant fun so far, but also lots of work. Talking to colleagues, I've realised that not all of us take the same approach to writing new courses - and talking to... Continue Reading →

New Module: Roman Death

This term, I've been doing something pretty new for me - planning an 11-week course on Roman Death for 70 first and second year students, complete with 22 hours of lectures and 5 seminars. It's a big task, both for me and for the students, so it's lucky that our subject is completely inexhaustible. We've... Continue Reading →

My 2015 in review

I'm following the lead of the excellent Liz Gloyn and Ellie Mackin and looking back over the past year. It's all too easy to forget all the achievements and milestones of the past year - when I was a PhD student I was encouraged to write a list of everything I'd done at the end of... Continue Reading →

My Own Exam Howlers

Around this time of year, academics are breathing a sigh of relief that exams (and exam marking) are over. At about the same time, newspapers often invite people to send in their students' funniest "exam howlers". Rather than revealing their students' mistakes, academics on twitter have generously responded to this yearly demand for "howlers" by... Continue Reading →

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