I’m back – what a year!

Today is my first day back from maternity leave - and I think it's fair to say that this year hasn't gone at all how I'd expected! That is probably how most people feel about having a baby, but the added factor of the 2020 pandemic has made this a very strange year for many... Continue Reading →

Welcome to Exeter

I've made it to Exeter! The movers are gone, the boxes are (mostly) unpacked, and I've set up my university email. So far nothing seems to be missing or broken, though I periodically find something again that I didn't realise I'd missed. It's going pretty well! I'm really enjoying exploring the area and going on... Continue Reading →

Linguae nostrae

Welcome to my blog! I've enjoyed blogging as part of the Greek in Italy project for the past year or so, and so I've decided to start this blog of my own as well. In general, I'm hoping this will become a place for me to write about on my research in progress, to discuss topics that might never... Continue Reading →

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