New Digital Research Tools 2

Over a year ago, I posted about some new digital research tools I'd been trying out, and which of them had worked/not worked for me. I've been meaning to write an update to this for a while because, actually, I've changed my mind quite a bit since then. So here's New Digital Research Tools 2... Continue Reading →

Reitia on the CREWS blog

I'm really pleased that Venetic and the goddess Reitia have been included on the CREWS project blog. Many thanks to Pippa Steele for writing this post, making such good use of my photos (and Anna's delicious cake). As Pippa points out, Venetic gives us lots of important and unparalleled evidence for how people learned to... Continue Reading →

Welcome to Exeter

I've made it to Exeter! The movers are gone, the boxes are (mostly) unpacked, and I've set up my university email. So far nothing seems to be missing or broken, though I periodically find something again that I didn't realise I'd missed. It's going pretty well! I'm really enjoying exploring the area and going on... Continue Reading →

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